Nash Danga is the leading knee, ankle, and foot pain expert in Bolton and the founder of T4 Physio Clinic.

But who is Nash, and what makes him different from the doctors who’ve told you that your pain is just a part of ageing, or that surgery is your only option?

Who Is Nash Danga, And Why Does Everyone Want To See Him?

My name is Nash Danga, and I am the proud founder of T4 Physio Clinic, the leading private physiotherapy clinic in Bolton, Kearsley, and Horwich.

Some of the areas I specialise in are knee, foot, and ankle as I have a previous history of knee injury that affected and eventually ended my football career. When it comes to understanding knee pain, I’ve got personal experience and I know what some of my patients go through.

A knee, foot, or ankle injury can affect your life in a significant way and stop you from doing things like running, walking, squatting, and other movements that limit you from doing things that you love doing.

That’s why I specialise in treating knee, foot, and ankle injuries as I understand the frustration and limitations that come with it. Whether you want to run a marathon or just walk a dog to the park, the right exercises and natural treatments can help you get back to doing those things.

If you are struggling with your knee pain, don’t wait too long and get in touch with me today before it gets worse.

Getting To Know Nash Danga

I used to play football at a quite high level, but my knee injury stopped me from doing what I love, so I understand how you feel when your pain gets in the way of your life.

Apart from treating patients, I love to spend time with my wife and two beautiful kids.

One of the things that knee pain stops you from doing is bending, squatting, or even walking, which means it can affect your social life as you are not able to play with the kids and enjoy family activities.

Coming from a sports background, I understand how serious a knee, foot, or ankle injury can be and what limitations it puts on your life.

It’s my passion to help people get back to doing things they love and enjoy their time with family and friends.

Nash Danga’s Elite Level Experience Treating Knee, Foot, And Ankle Pain

After my sports career ended due to my knee injury, I decided to go down the physiotherapy path so I can not only treat patients with injuries but also educate them on injury prevention.

After I earned a master’s degree in Physiotherapy from Manchester University, I opened my private physiotherapy clinic in 2019.

Since then, I’ve been able to help thousands of people get back in shape and do things they love whether that’s playing with their kids, playing golf, or other activities affected by their injuries.

Due to my expertise and reputation as a go-to person for knee, foot, and ankle injuries, I’ve been working with some of the biggest organisations like BBC where I would treat BBC’s “Strictly Come Dancing” stars.

I’ve been involved with them since 2017, analysing some of the movement patterns of dancers, bringing expertise in terms of encouragement to dance and wearing the right footwear, but also using solutions to reduce the impact on the knee and foot.

I have also been working with Age UK charity and helping people get back to enjoying their retirement. They love to dance and do other activities that keep them youthful, and a knee injury can stop them from doing that.

As a sports person myself, I’ve treated many athletes as well as golf players and helped them recover from their golf knee injuries, which are quite common.

Apart from actively helping other organisations, I am a weekly columnist for Bolton and Bury News and a regular speaker at Bolton FM. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with other people and providing them with professional advice on injury prevention.

Can Nash Danga Help You With Your Knee, Foot, Or Ankle Pain?

I specialise in helping people from around Bolton, Kearsley, and Horwich get fast and natural relief from knee, foot, and ankle conditions that can affect their lives and stop them from doing things they love.

Whether you are an athlete, a mum who wants to keep up with her kids or be able to go to the gym with friends, or maybe you’re missing simple things in life like being able to walk your dog to the park, our expert team can help you get back to enjoying those things.

There are a lot of patients who come to us as their pain is affecting not only their physical health but also their working life, socialising with their loved ones, and impacting their mental health.

We’ve had many golfers coming to us with knee problems as they weren’t able to play as efficiently as they wanted to. They’ve had sore feet and knees which made it difficult to walk on the course, swing the club, and keep the level of their game. We were able to get them back to playing and even beating their mates at golf.

At T4 Physio, we take on a holistic approach, which means we look at your body as a whole and get to the bottom of your pain. We evaluate not only your physical but also your mental health. This helps us to understand you as a person, what your barriers might be, and how we can overcome them.

We receive great feedback on that as this is not something traditional physiotherapy taps into. We understand patients, educate them on psychological factors, and help them with pain management.

We also see patients with chronic pain who are not sure where it’s coming from and become hopeless over time.

What sets us apart from competitors is that we understand the pain and address the issues from a psychological point of view within limitations.

Want to get instant access to my expert advice on how to end your Knee Pain?

Then click the button below and download my free special report!

Why Does Nash Danga Specialise In Knee, Foot, And Ankle Pain Sufferers?

Knee, ankle, and foot injuries are very common issues that many people face in the Bolton area. I’ve had thousands of patients coming to me with various knee problems whether that’s foot or knee-related injury.

Coming from a sports background and having been through a painful knee injury myself, I understand how badly it can impact people’s lives and stop them from doing things.

After suffering from an injury that ended my football career, I wanted to help other people so that they could prevent major injuries and not have to go through a similar experience.

For me it was football, but for many, it’s the golf that they’re forced to give up due to their knee pain. It doesn’t have to be like this, we can get you back to not only playing golf but even improving your performance, so you can be better at it.

Pain causes not only physical but also social barriers, and here at T4 Physio we specialise in breaking those barriers and helping people go back to their lives as they were before the injuries stopped them from doing things.

What Makes Nash Danga Different?

You’ve probably been to many doctors or physiotherapists before, and nothing helped your knee, foot, or ankle pain. I know how frustrating it is when the pain stops you from doing the things you love.

Here at T4 Physio, we want you to have a different experience. We provide you with all the information you need to make sure you feel comfortable when coming to us for help. We’ve put together a guide that explains everything in and out to those who are hesitant to try physiotherapy.

We never rush our patients. We take our time to make sure patients feel comfortable, have time to ask us any questions, and that they have clarity on how the process is going to run.

Some physiotherapy clinics offer 30-minute consultations while we offer you 45 minutes of undivided attention for the initial appointment.

We make sure our patients get hands-on treatment, exercises that they need, and expert advice on injury prevention and keeping in good health.

We also offer one-to-one support for regular strengthening exercises for those who shy away from the gym as they don’t feel confident enough to work out in a crowded space with other people. Our sessions will help you strengthen your muscles, get in good shape, and boost your confidence.

Getting people out of pain is not enough. This is why we focus on education. We want our patients to get pain relief but also know how to prevent injuries from happening in the future.

Speak to the leading knee pain expert in
for free

I know you might be nervous, and unsure whether physio is right for you.

That’s why I offer two FREE ways to speak to me, and my expert team in our Bolton, Kearsley, and Horwich physiotherapy clinics.

Whether you prefer to speak to us over the telephone, or want to come into our clinic, you can get answers to your questions, get personalised advice, and learn about the safe, proven and natural ways we can treat your knee, foot, or ankle fast!

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