“Are You Struggling With Unbearable Foot Pain And Desperate For It To End?”

Foot pain can be easily overlooked and you may be thinking that you can just push through it.

Some people had to stop going to work and engaging in daily activities because the pain was just too much for them.

Whenever you’re experiencing such agonising pain, it should alarm you and you need to seek specialist help.

Foot pain may also lead to your knee pain and other injuries, which a lot of physical therapists fail to address.

If you’re suffering from an agonising knee pain that’s stopping you from doing things, you should get a diagnosis before pain dominates your life.

After nearly half a decade of working with knee injury patients, I’ve found that in many cases the pain started with the foot.

Why Is Foot Pain So Common?

Foot pain is caused by various issues in your foot that you might not even be aware of. It’s important to identify the root of the problem at an early stage before the pain becomes severe and limits your abilities in daily life.

It’s a very common injury and can happen fast without you even realising and that’s why it’s so common.

What Are The Symptoms Of Foot Pain?

The symptoms of foot pain are similar to those of other leg injuries.

You might notice your foot swelling, burning, aching, and giving away. Your muscles might become stiff and stop you from moving.

This can affect your daily living as you might not be able to play your favourite sports, socialise with your friends, or even play with your kids, which takes a toll on your mental health.

This is why it’s so important that you get the right help that you need.

What Causes Foot Pain?

Foot pain is a result of different problems with your feet. You might be wearing uncomfortable or pointy shoes that bring your toes together.

This can cause a bunion, the knee to stretch, and the arch of your foot to collapse which all are major factors contributing to foot-related pain.

Maybe you’re having foot pain because you’ve been running or playing golf while having poor posture or wearing the wrong shoes. Many factors can contribute to your foot pain.

Foot Pain Treatment Options

The treatment options will vary depending on the severity of your injury. However, the treatments are similar to those for knee pain.

The best treatment option is to find an expert in foot-related injuries and get physiotherapy that is tailored to your specific condition.

If you think that painkillers, home exercises, or simply rest will make your pain go away after some time, you are wrong. Waiting can only increase the pain and put you at risk of surgery and unavoidable medications.

Natural remedies should be your first solution before trying invasive methods that can potentially harm you. You should also get customised orthotics that can help you take pressure off your feet and knees and correct your posture.

Foot Pain Exercises And Stretches

Many doctors and physiotherapists offer advice on how you can improve your condition by doing simple exercises at home.

However, I believe in a holistic approach and looking at the body as a whole and not just focusing on where you feel pain. Since your foot pain might be caused by different knee and hip-related problems, I don’t want to give you a one-size-fits-all advice.

Everybody moves differently, so choosing the correct exercises is the key to your recovery and staying healthy.

If you’d like expert advice on how to treat your foot pain, we offer a free telephone consultation and a discovery visit where you can meet the team and ask any questions about our treatments.

How Foot Pain Affects People?

The pain can be caused by the problem with joints in your foot, but it can often be misdiagnosed and cause further health issues.

A lot of the time people don’t get the right treatment until it’s too late and they need surgery or strong medications to help with pain.

Apart from physical problems, this condition can stop you from doing things that you love like running, going to the gym, playing golf, spending active time with family and friends, or even walking a dog to the park.

At T4 Clinic, we consider both your physical and mental well-being and find the right treatment based on a thorough analysis of the whole body, not just the part of it.

Our holistic approach has proved to be the best solution to foot pain and helped thousands of people get back to enjoying their lives to the fullest. We can help you too.