3 Symptoms Of Sciatica Knee Pain That’s Been Stopping You From Doing Daily Tasks

Have you been suffering from knee pain so bad that you can't even complete your usual daily tasks?

I understand how debilitating, frustrating, and upsetting it is when you are no longer able to do the simplest things that you used to do without any problem.

Knee pain can stop you from engaging in daily activities like playing with your kids, doing grocery shopping, or sometimes even walking at all.

This is why it's important to get to the root cause of the problem and treat it the right way. If your pain is so excruciating that you can't walk, you might be suffering from sciatica knee pain.

Your body works as a whole, so if you've got an injury in one place, it may affect other parts of your body.

Read this blog to find out whether your sciatica and knee pain may be related and how to spot the symptoms to get the right care that you need.

Can Sciatica Cause Knee Pain?

The first question that comes to mind is whether can sciatica cause knee pain, and if so, how do you know it's sciatica knee pain and not just a regular injury?

Firstly, it's very natural for sciatica to spread and it can cause knee pain as the sciatic nerve goes from your back down to your leg, affecting your whole leg muscles. So yes, it can lead to sciatica knee pain.

The important thing is to identify that sciatica is what's been causing your knee pain, so you can treat the root cause of the problem.

Symptoms Of Sciatica Knee Pain

There are many reasons for knee pain and sometimes it's not clear enough what might have been the cause for your knee injury.

If you're an athlete and you've recently suffered a fall or another injury then it's fairly easy to associate your knee pain with the specific situation, but what do you do when your knee pain comes without any particular reason?

That's when the specialist's help can really make a difference.

As the leading knee pain expert in Bolton, I've helped thousands of people recover from their injuries and I can examine your condition and find out what's the root cause of your problem.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of sciatica knee pain that should alert you.

Sharp Or Warm Pain In The Back Of Your Knee

The damaged sciatic nerve will immediately give you excruciating pain that radiates down your leg, so if you feel this sharp or very warm unimaginable pain in the back of your knee, this may be caused by sciatica.

This type of pain will probably make it unbearable for you to walk and do daily tasks.

If that's the case, you should seek help immediately as you might be suffering from sciatica knee pain.

Pain In Other Areas

Sciatica and knee pain can be related to one another and cause you a lot of pain.

If you're suffering only from knee pain and don't experience any other symptoms or pain in other areas, then your knee pain is most likely not related to sciatica.

However, if you've been suffering from sciatica before, or you can feel the pain in the back of your leg and your back as well, then it may be sciatica knee pain and you need to get help before the pain gets even worse.

Inability To Stretch Your Leg

One of the most common symptoms of sciatica knee pain is the inability to stretch your leg.

If you're trying to strengthen your leg but you start feeling unbearable pain in the knee that increases with stretching, then you most likely are suffering from sciatica knee pain.

The sciatic nerve goes from your back down to your leg, so if the pain increases when you try to stretch your nerve, it's very often a sign of sciatica.

The Best Treatment For Sciatica And Knee Pain 

It can be difficult to identify the real problem that's been causing your knee pain, so if you're tired of not being able to do all the daily things that you used to enjoy like playing with your kids or even cooking a meal for the family, then you need to get the help that you need.

As the leading knee pain expert in Bolton, I've helped thousands of knee pain sufferers get back to sports or just their daily lives without the constant pain that's been overtaking their lives.

Whether it's sciatica knee pain or other knee injuries, you need the expert help that I provide to understand your condition and get the right treatment for your specific needs.

If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with several free options.

For more information on knee pain problems and what are the best natural treatments available, you can download a free advice report where you can find all the relevant information you need to better understand your condition.

Download Our Free Knee Report

And the best thing you can do is schedule a free telephone consultation where you can find out more about our practice and we can learn more about you and your injury to get the right treatment and speed up the recovery.

Book A Free Telephone Consultation

The most important thing is to choose one option now and take an active step into recovery, so you can get back to enjoying your life again without the pain.

More Free Advice On Knee Pain 

If you want to stay up to date with the best advice on how to treat and prevent knee pain, then you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles.

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